By Sybille Schaufler, CPB on Monday, 03 April 2023
Category: CRA

Watch For Tax Season CRA Scams

It’s tax time again. If you are like others, you may feel overwhelmed by the process. Sadly, scammers are aware of this and take advantage of people's fears by trying to steal money and gain unauthorized access to personal data and financial details. The Canada Revenue Agency has seen a dramatic increase in the sophistication of scam attempts, so it is essential that you learn the difference between legitimate communication and a scam from the CRA. The best way to protect yourself from potential fraud is by learning the signs.  

Criminals are impersonating the CRA via phone, email, text, messaging apps, and even by mail. Scammers have been able to leverage the increasing prevalence of technology in our daily lives by creating more convincing scams, making it important to stay vigilant on how to spot and avoid CRA scams. 

Fortunately, the CRA has some clear guidelines on how they communicate with Canadians. If you know the basics, you will be able to effectively tell what a scam is and what is not. 

Six things to know about how the CRA contacts Canadians  

The scams outlined have elements in common — criminals are looking to imitate the CRA to trick Canadians, especially vulnerable people, into paying fraudulent fees or divulging sensitive information. With a little bit of knowledge, you can help stay one step ahead of the bad guys. To recap: 

What to do if you believe you have been the victim of a scam   

If you suspect that you have fallen prey to a scam or have disclosed personal information to a scammer, take immediate action and report it.  

Scammers can be extremely convincing, and they often rely on people's anxiety and fear to extract money and personal information. However, by following the tips outlined in this article, you can stay vigilant and protect yourself from potential fraud.

You should also contact our office immediately to assess if we can help.

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